Industry Spotlight: Krannich Solar

Industry Spotlight: Krannich Solar

Krannich Solar logo

Each month, we highlight one of our esteemed Business Members with an exclusive interview in the TXSES newsletter. This month, TXSES Marketing Outreach Coordinator Steven Ùgalde spoke with Chloe Rousseau from our newest Platinum Member, Krannich Solar, to learn about the origins of the company’s newest branch in Texas, aspirations, and outlook, revealing their impressive journey and impact on the solar industry.

Origins and Leadership

Krannich began over 25 years ago under the leadership of Kurt Krannich, who started as an installer in Germany. Recognizing the need for PV components in the installer market, he gradually expanded the business into a global organization with presence in over 25 countries and employing over 1000 people. My own journey in the solar industry spans over 12 years, primarily in manufacturing. I was approached by Krannich HQ to spearhead the establishment of a new branch with fresh ideas and vision.

Mission and Vision

Our mission is driven by a clear conviction: speed is paramount when it comes to addressing our customers’ needs and requirements. We boast a broad product portfolio, high availability, and inherent flexibility to fulfill this mission effectively.

Approach to Residential and Commercial  Projects

As experts in the field, we are equipped to assist customers with projects of all scales, worldwide. Offering a diverse portfolio of products and extensive experience, we cater to both residential and commercial PV systems, ensuring our clients have access to the products they need, regardless of scale.

Career Impact and Industry Dynamics

The dynamic nature of the renewables market in the US has significantly shaped my career. With changes accompanying each administration, adaptability and resilience are key to navigating the challenges presented.

Key Accomplishments

From its humble beginnings as a two-person operation, Krannich has evolved into a thriving international company with branches in over 25 countries and a global workforce exceeding 1000 employees.

Industry Surprises and Adaptation

Entering the solar industry felt like boarding a roller coaster, as the sector is marked by constant growth and fluctuations. Embracing this ever-evolving landscape is essential, as successful individuals learn to grow alongside the industry.

Overcoming Challenges

During the 2008 Great Recession, which impacted the global economy, many solar companies faltered. Despite the adversity, Krannich not only survived but thrived as the economy recovered.

Community Outreach and Contributions

Indeed, we have actively participated in local volunteering efforts worldwide, offering both products and time to support the expansion of renewable energy in communities in need. As our branch expands, we aim to collaborate with local charities in the Texas region, providing education and cost-saving solutions to non-profits and families.

Future Outlook

The future appears promising for Krannich and the solar industry as a whole. We anticipate continued growth across the state and plan to establish additional locations in the years to come.

Interested in becoming a TXSES Platinum Business Member? Contact Patrice “Pete” Parsons at for details about membership perks, requirements, and how your company can become involved in TXSES’s vibrant community. Whether you’re seeking exclusive benefits or opportunities for collaboration, he can guide you through the process and address any inquiries you may have.

Empowering the Future: Voices from a Solar Installation Training Program

Empowering the Future: Voices from a Solar Installation Training Program

by Steven Ùgalde, Marketing & Outreach Coordinator

Recently, I had the privilege of attending a solar installation training program, where prospective students gathered to learn how to properly install solar panels. Organized by Green Careers Texas, this two-day event aimed to empower participants with the skills they need to kickstart their journey in the solar industry.

The training took place at American YouthWorks in Austin on March 22nd and 23rd, and offered participants a hands-on learning experience. This opportunity was made possible by the generous donation of solar panels from TXSES Business Members, Lighthouse Solar. Among those present were Tracy Wallace, executive director of Green Careers Texas, and TXSES’s Patrice “Pete” Parsons, along with 12 students.

Green Careers Texas is a guiding light, providing numerous solar PV installation trainings that serve as a pathway to stable income in the solar sector. Their mission is clear: to tackle poverty and increase solar energy head-on by providing green career training and education. They strive to bridge the gap between employers and diverse qualified individuals in the field of solar PV installation, ensuring opportunities for all.

As I spoke with participants and trainers, it became evident that access to jobs in the solar industry is not only crucial for economic gain, but also about equality and protecting our planet through environmental justice and advocacy of underrepresented groups within the solar field. The National Solar Jobs Census revealed the struggles solar companies face in hiring skilled workers, especially from underrepresented groups, such as people of color and women. However, initiatives like Green Careers Texas are actively working to address this issue by equipping students with the skills they need and the tools needed to thrive in the clean energy industry.

One attendee, Aaron who is from west Texas, shared his motivation for joining the program: “I’m eager to learn about solar energy and contribute to a healthy change, especially in depleting natural resources.”

Similarly, Annie, another participant, emphasized the importance of cleaner and sustainable energy, stating, “I want to build a better platform and make a positive impact on the environment.”

Katelyn, who is participating through the YouthWorks program with Green Careers Texas, said she dreams of a future where she can install her own solar panels on her van and lead a life on the road.

As for Angel, another attendee, he stated, “I’m participating in the YouthWorks program and am eager to explore new opportunities and industries, particularly renewable energy. My parents keep me motivated, and I’m interested in keeping up-to-date and informed. This is my first time taking the class, and I appreciate the hands-on learning and the enthusiasm from the instructors.”

Nacho Ignacio Martinez, one of the training’s instructors, shared his motivation in wanting to teach these students: “I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to instruct at the Solar Installation training program hosted by Green Careers Texas. Witnessing participants embrace new skills and knowledge, and the prospect of passing that on, is truly gratifying. Having completed the training myself, I now look forward to teaching others about solar and embarking on personal projects, including one for myself. A big shoutout to Tracy and Mark (McCollum), Ed (Wise), and Dylan (Brown), the lead trainers, for their invaluable support throughout.”

Green Careers Texas is hoping to change lives and communities for the better by offering opportunities in sustainability-focused jobs, particularly for those who’ve been overlooked in the past. These programs aren’t just empowering individuals, but also driving positive change in our local communities.

Tracy Wallace of Green Careers Texas explained, “We are thrilled to be working with Austin YouthWorks. Trainees who have experience with power tools and construction already are ideal to work with. The bonus is they each have a heart for service.”

As the solar industry continues to evolve, the need for a skilled and diverse workforce becomes increasingly important. By supporting organizations like TXSES and Green Careers Texas, we can all play a role in shaping a brighter, more sustainable future.

If you would like to hire one of these students, please reach out to Tracy Wallace at

Learn more about Green Careers Texas and how you can get involved at:

Industry Spotlight: Axis Solar

Axis Solar logo

Each month we highlight one of our esteemed Business Members with an interview in our newsletter. This month, we feature Platinum Business Member, Axis Solar. TXSES Marketing & Outreach Coordinator Steven Ùgalde reached out to Axis Solar CEO Graeme Walker for a chat about their business, vision, accomplishments, projects and more.

Thank you for sharing a bit about Axis Solar with us today, Graeme. Please start by telling us about yourself and your background in the solar industry.

My background is actually in finance. I started training as a CPA with Arthur Andersen, then Deloitte in the UK. After a few years working in audit, I moved to the Corporate Finance department helping support transactions in the upstream Oil and Gas Sector in Scotland. After a brief stint in renewable energy banking which was abruptly ended by the 2008 financial crisis, I joined one of my offshore wind farm clients as head of finance to help them raise debt end equity to support their upcoming developments. After that business was successfully sold, the leadership team moved to Texas in 2009 to form an offshore wind company to explore operations in the Gulf of Mexico. Realizing that the economic and political headwinds were strongly against us at the time, we opted to mothball that company in 2012. I took up a position as CFO with a small residential solar installer, however after 9 months, decided to form my first solar company. In 2014, I started Alba Energy as a commercial solar company, serving primarily the multifamily industry. In late 2015, we expanded into residential solar and that became our primary focus.

How did AXIS get its start and how did you come into the position?

Axis was formed in late 2018 by myself and Jason Thomas who previously served as master electrician at Alba. We had grown disenchanted with the residential sales side of the industry, and wanted to concentrate on our core strengths of operations and construction. Initially, we focused on operating as an EPC for large residential sales companies such as Sunrun. However, seeing early the impending crunch that high interest rates have caused to the residential sector, we began to pivot heavily towards commercial solar in mid 2022. Over the last 2 years we have built on our previous commercial experience and molded the company into an extremely efficient EPC of commercial projects. We act as an EPC for certain large developer groups, but we also directly source our own projects alongside that effort.

What is the vison and mission of AXIS?

Our mission is to be the go-to expert for C&I (commercial and industrial) solar in each geographic market in which we operate. We look to achieve this through only hiring the best team members and being laser focused on project execution for our customers and stakeholders.

What is AXIS’ approach to projects, whether residential or commercial?

Since 2022, we have not been involved in the residential sector. The larger scale C&I solar sector is a highly specialized industry. There are always unique engineering and construction challenges on every project. Our success comes down to detailed upfront planning and engineering to ensure a smooth project, but also in our effective communication with customers and stakeholders. One of the most important traits we look for in new hires is their ability to communicate and present themselves well in front of customers.

What has been the biggest impact on your career in this industry?

Over the last 10 years in solar, it’s been a steep learning curve for myself on two fronts. Firstly, learning the ropes of running a company and the responsibilities that that brings. Secondly, dealing with the ever evolving nature of the solar industry as it matures.

What would you consider are AXIS’ biggest company accomplishments?

We just commissioned the largest behind-the-meter private solar system in Austin Energy in late 2023 — 3.4MW of rooftop and carports. A great effort by the team that has set the platform for our continued growth in the sector.

What surprises can be expected when first entering the solar industry?

The constantly changing industry dynamics. The change that has happened in the last decade has been dramatic, but there are still challenges to the industry as it matures and potentially starts to threaten entrenched legacy interests in Investor Owned Utilities or fossil fuel sectors.

What is the biggest hurdle AXIS has faced?

Navigating (& surviving) through the Covid years. There was a short period when work really dried up, and survival looked tricky. But fortunately, there was then a very strong rebound as folks capitalized on low interest rates to go solar.

What does the future look like for AXIS?

We are very positive about the future. We already have a very strong pipeline of deals through the remainder of 2024 and into 2025. Our focus continues to be on excellent execution of our projects as well as measured growth. There are very few companies with our experience and focus on the large scale C&I space, so we feel we are in a good position to continue to capitalize on the growth in that sector spurred by the IRA 2022.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, Graeme, and for being a valued TXSES Platinum Business Member!

Holt Renewables: Industry Highlight

As a benefit of being a TXSES Platinum Business Member, we highlight the member’s company in our newsletter. For the March newsletter, we sat down with Kevin Chavez, operations officer/manager of Holt Renewables, an engineering, procurement and construction firm for commercial solar projects nationwide. Here’s our conversation.

Steven Ugalde: Hi Kevin. Thanks for carving out time to talk about Holt Renewables. Tell us about Holt Renewables came to be; how long has it been around?

Kevin Chavez: Absolutely. Our journey began over 12 years ago when Holt Renewables emerged through an acquisition. Before that, we operated under the name PCI Solar, maintaining the same team, business methodology, and services. About four years ago, Holt Caterpillar, a previous customer, recognized the potential to diversify its offerings and ultimately acquired us. Peter and Corinna Holt, the brains behind Holt Caterpillar, had a forward-thinking approach towards energy, especially electrification and renewables. Their vision aligned perfectly with ours, leading to the acquisition.

Steven Ugalde: And timely. Holt is Houston-based?

Kevin Chavez: Actually, we’re located in Austin. While Holt Renewables is based in Austin, Holt Caterpillar’s headquarters are in San Antonio, but we operate around 30 different locations. There are about 3,500 of us Holt Renewables employees. Within the renewables group, there are 28 departments including construction, engineering, procurement, estimating, sales and development, back-office operations, and safety.

Steven Ugalde: Could you share a standout moment or project that you found particularly fulfilling?

Kevin Chavez: While every project has its unique qualities, what truly stands out for us is the ability to effectively serve our customers nationwide. We specialize in the Middle Market C segment, typically ranging from 500 kW to 30 megawatts. Our portfolio includes diverse applications such as carports, roof mounts, ground mounts and energy storage. Deploying energy storage, especially in the evolving landscape of renewable energy, has been particularly rewarding for us.

Steven Ugalde: What drives Holt Renewables’ approach to future projects?

Kevin Chavez: Our primary focus is alignment with our customers’ needs and goals. Whether it’s sustainability, economics or marketing, we strive to tailor each project accordingly. We provide comprehensive consultation and feasibility studies to ensure that every aspect aligns with our clients’ objectives.

Steven Ugalde: How do you evaluate the success of a project?

Kevin Chavez: Safety is paramount for us, ensuring no incidents occur during project execution. Additionally, success is measured by tangible outcomes and client satisfaction. We conduct thorough surveys post-project completion, and our track record speaks for itself—no negative feedback so far.

Steven Ugalde: What inspired you to pursue a career in solar and renewable energy?

Kevin Chavez: My background in finance led me to understand the potential of renewable energy investments. However, I yearned for a more hands-on role where I could witness more results. Joining PCI Solar as part of the development team allowed me to see projects come to life from concept to construction. The subsequent acquisition by Holt Renewables further solidified my commitment to this industry.

Steven Ugalde: Lastly, what has surprised you the most in your experience within this industry?

Kevin Chavez: One of the most surprising aspects has been the continued momentum and innovation within the industry, despite regulatory challenges. There’s a growing recognition of the need for renewable energy solutions, and we’re witnessing increased investment and research to address this demand. While there are hurdles to overcome, I’m optimistic about the industry’s trajectory.

Steven Ugalde: Thank you for sharing your insights, Kevin. And thanks for being a TXSES Platinum Business Member.

Kevin Chavez: My pleasure. Thank you for having me.

Industry Spotlight: The Solar Scouts

By Steven Ùgalde
Membership & Marketing Outreach Coordinator

As a benefit of being a TXSES Platinum Business Member, we highlight the member’s company in our newsletter. This month, we sat down with Nicholas Manto, founder/CEO of The Solar Scouts, an electrical contracting firm specializing in installing photovoltaic solar arrays serving the North Texas, Dallas and Fort Worth communities.

TXSES: Hi Nicholas! Welcome to the TXSES family. Thanks for becoming a TXSES Platinum Business Member. Tell us a little bit about The Solar Scouts.

The Solar Scouts Manto family

Nicholas: The story of The Solar Scouts traces back to my days in scouting. I’m an Eagle Scout, and while attaining my degrees from Rawl’s College of Business at Texas Tech University, I was Vice President of The Goin’ Band and Trumpet section leader! My experience in the band allowed me to collaborate with students in every college, learning beyond my studies, especially about architecture and engineering. Drawing from my scouting experience, we would leave our campsite better than we arrived. We would pick up trash at the end of our excursion to make sure we left no trace, and most of the time we were picking up from previous campers. The idea of my “campsite” is expanded to the entire planet, and I believe we must leave the planet better than we inherited it. Driven by a desire to contribute positively to the well-being of our planet, I founded the company in North Texas. The Solar Scouts operates as a boutique firm with a team that works collaboratively, fostering teamwork, marketing, business development, sales, installation, support, and operations, while developing relationships with our distribution and manufacturing partners.

TXSES: What’s your approach to projects?

Nicholas: The primary goal when approaching projects, especially in the residential sector, extends beyond a reduction in energy bills. We focus on understanding the consumers’ end goals and emphasizing the broader impact on their economic benefit. Each residential project is tailored not only for economic efficiency but also for ecological sustainability. We aim to forge connections within the solar community, emphasizing solar education, exposing fraudulent practices, aligning financial goals with strategic planning and ensuring optimal utilization of solar panels each year. Education remains a core element for us, with a commitment to enlighten the public about the solar industry’s potential. We have several educational videos to help consumers with information before they make the decision to go solar.

TXSES: What would you describe as your biggest challenges in this work?

Nicholas: Our biggest challenge is overcoming misconceptions about solar, and general skepticism in the market. The attribution we see is less than qualified people in the industry doing business poorly and negative word of mouth influencing others. In addition to that, lead generation is difficult and expensive. If homeowners or business owners were seeking solar as a necessity and approaching our business, we could greatly reduce the price of these systems with less marketing and sales dollars required, then that would compound into even cheaper projects as volume increases.

TXSES: There are also issues with ERCOT, the PUCT and decision-makers who advance anti-solar policies while promoting oil and gas. This is an ongoing story. What would you say has surprised you the most with this work?

Nicholas: As a business owner who started on the sales end of the business and bridged that into the operations and installation side, I’m surprised by how collaborative our community is. Most business owners in the industry share an abundance mentality and are open to learning, sharing, and helping each other grow. We know there’s a huge impact to make on our local communities and the State of Texas while leaving the planet a better place than we inherited it!

TXSES: We couldn’t agree more! Thanks for making time to visit with us about The Solar Scouts work, Nicholas. How can people find out more about you?

Nicholas: Click or call 972.433.5979. Thanks for the opportunity to talk about our work.