By Patrice ‘Pete’ Parsons
Executive Director, TXSES

Last weekend, I had the privilege of sharing our work at the annual/monthly meeting of the North Texas Renewable Energy Group (NTREG), one of our sister state chapters. As I began to put a presentation together to share what we’re doing, I quickly realized just how busy we are. And it’s only February! Good thing the weather has been so spectacular. Perhaps I shouldn’t say that…

To give you an idea of what’s keeping us busy, take a peek:

  • The promotion of Infinite Power: Take Your Share of the Texas Sun, our statewide educational campaign to raise awareness and double the amount of distributed solar in Texas by 2030 via media, social media, events, and unrelenting advocacy for distributed solar by one-on-one engagements with decision-makers.
  • We’re spreading the word to municipalities’ permitting departments about Solar APP+ (Solar Automated Permit Processing), a free, innovative software that speeds up compliance checks and building permit approvals for eligible solar rooftop systems.
  • Working with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) last year, TXSES along with TEPRI and Frontier Energy, we were successful in adding distributed solar as a fundable energy benefit to the statewide plan for income-qualified homeowners and renters using WAP or LIHEAP funds. This year, we’ll be working with Austin Energy, the municipal utility, to prove the energy savings on 10 homes so we can take the program statewide.
  • We’re reaching out to developers across the State to promote to implement net zero subdivisions.
  • With a grant from the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO), we’re partnering with Green Careers Texas on solar training and education of low-income Dallas, Austin and Houston individuals and high school students in rooftop and ground mount solar PV installations.
  • To address unethical and discriminatory business practices from solar sales and solar installation companies, we’re working with different partners to develop possible legislative language to begin to educate decision-makers at the state and local levels prior to the 2025 legislative session.
  • Tracking regulatory bodies like the PUC to provide relevant comments on targeted dockets.

It’s an ambitious list, but we love what we do. If any of these issues are of interest to you and you want to know more or get involved, there’s plenty of room for you! Reach out to me at Thanks, as always, for your support.

P.S. February 22 is Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day! We’ll all be better off…