TXSES Impact

Texas renewables live to fight another day

We breathe a sigh of relief that the 88th regular legislative session is over. By…

Legislation Update

We’ve been following three solar-related bills this session. For the most current information about any…

Houses of worship go solar

TXSES and Environment America hosted a panel discussion about houses of worship going solar…

Wind and solar energy saved Texans $11 billion in 2022

A detailed examination of the Texas wholesale electricity market showed wind and solar power generation…

Connecting to the Texas grid

By Patrice ‘Pete’ Parsons, TXSES Executive Director On May 4, 2023, I attended the Public…

How is distributed solar permitting doing in Texas?

Platinum Business Member Ohm Analytics recently shared select data for Texas permits issued for distributed…

Clean Energy Legislation Update

HB 3010. Rep. Erin Zwiener (D-45). HB 3010, requiring municipal/county governments to use SolarApp+ (or…

Automated Permitting Speeds U.S. Solar Adoption

NREL 5/3/23 Most rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems are required to go through a permitting process…

Educating and Training the Texas Solar Workforce

Since 2016, the not-for-profit Green Careers Dallas (GCD) has been helping those in greatest need…