Houston’s Journey with SolarAPP+ and the Future of Solar Permitting

By Steven Ùgalde, TXSES Marketing & Outreach Coordinator

The City of Houston and the Houston Permitting Center (HPC) have achieved remarkable success in the solar and renewable energy industries, largely attributed to the cutting-edge software development, SolarAPP+. Houston has fully embraced this pioneering platform, propelling the city toward a more sustainable future through rapid solar energy adoption.

SolarAPP+, the solar automated permit processing developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), represents a groundbreaking online web portal meticulously engineered to revolutionize plan review and permitting procedures for residential photovoltaic (PV) systems while strictly adhering to code compliance.

Through its advanced functionality and utilization of model building, electrical, and fire codes, SolarAPP+ autonomously conducts a comprehensive compliance assessment based on input data, ensuring that proposed solar installations not only meet safety standards but also align with code requirements. The Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) oversees the installation process, assessing practices, workmanship, and alignment with approved designs during thorough inspections. 

At no charge to municipalities, this innovative platform significantly expedites the permitting process without incurring any costs for the cities. SolarAPP+ not only accelerates the integration of solar energy but also reinforces sustainable practices. TXSES is spearheading the initiative to support other communities in adopting this cutting-edge technology, thereby advancing SolarAPP+’s mission to streamline installation processes for installers and lower costs for consumers.

Inspired by Houston’s forward-thinking commitment, TXSES Executive Director Patrice Parsons and I hosted a city-wide gathering, uniting key stakeholders, including the HPC, NREL and the 12 approved installers, to draw insights from firsthand experiences of installers using SolarAPP+ and identify areas for potential enhancement.

The meeting presented a unique opportunity for a carefully selected group of stakeholders including passionate solar enthusiasts, seasoned industry professionals, and representatives from NREL to explore SolarAPP+’s multifaceted attributes, its prospective benefits, and the challenges to implement. The central theme revolved around the strategic transition from the pilot phase to full-scale implementation.

Throughout the session, the participants actively engaged in open dialogue with distinguished experts hailing from both NREL and HPC about the transformative influence of SolarAPP+ on the intricate solar permitting procedures. Attendees eagerly contributed their first-hand experiences with the platform, adding a practical dimension to the discussions.

A substantial amount of time and effort was invested in gaining a profound understanding of SolarAPP+’s impact on the solar sector. This meticulous examination allowed attendees to appreciate how this innovative platform is reshaping the industry’s landscape and promoting sustainability.

One significant proposal that emerged from these deliberations involved the implementation of an annual renewal license at the state level. This proposed license would require solar installers to submit new applications each year, ensuring their compliance with a code of ethics and addressing any pending or unresolved projects. Companies failing to address existing installation issues or customer complaints would be temporarily barred from initiating new projects until these issues were appropriately resolved. 

One of the most pressing issues revolved around the poaching activities of fraudulent solar companies. These companies, through deceptive advertising, were undermining the integrity of the pilot program and other installers, resulting in financial losses for some consumers. Extensive discussions and collaborative efforts were initiated with other industry players to devise a viable solution to curb this fraudulent poaching issue.

TXSES is taking proactive steps to address these concerns. An all-encompassing meeting is scheduled for early November, which will include companies participating in the pilot program and TXSES’ esteemed business members. This gathering aims to foster collaboration and develop comprehensive strategies for legislative advocacy to enact policies that promote solar equity and justice.

To attend this crucial meeting, individuals are encouraged to become members of TXSES. Inquiries about membership can be directed to me at sugalde@txses.org. Detailed information about the meeting, which will focus on issues related to poaching and compliance, will be provided. For further insights into SolarAPP+,  visit our website or feel free to reach out to me at sugalde@txses.org with any questions or concerns.

TXSES Talks Distributed Solar Energy at Bluebonnet Energy Fair

By Steven Ùgalde
Membership and Marketing Outreach Coordinator

As the Texas distributed solar industry continues to expand, TXSES is thrilled to witness proactive initiatives by providers like Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative. This past weekend, they hosted the Bluebonnet Energy Expo, and TXSES was prominently present. Executive Director Pete Parsons and I had the opportunity to educate visitors about solar energy and offer recommendations for reliable installers.

TXSES Executive Director Pete Parsons and Membership and Marketing Outreach Coordinator Steven Ùgalde at the 2023 Bluebonnet Energy Fair

This event served as a valuable networking opportunity, allowing us and installers to converge and share industry insights. TXSES business members, including Platinum Members Freedom Solar, Lighthouse Solar, Sunrun, Texas Solar Guys and Texas Solar Outfitters; Silver Business Members ADT Solar, Hoss Solar, Longhorn Solar and Texas Solar Power Company, had the chance to promote their services to an inquisitive audience.

Our team addressed queries about the Texas distributed solar industry and shed light on TXSES’s mission. Engaging with the public, conveying our purpose, and discussing the transformative impact of their contributions was an immensely rewarding experience. Interacting with like-minded individuals who share our passion for solar energy heightened the expo’s significance.

We took this opportunity to inform attendees that supporting TXSES leads to meaningful change in three key ways:

  • Building Resilient Communities: TXSES collaborates with local chapters to establish sustainable and inclusive clean energy hubs.
  • Fostering Diverse Clean Energy Talent: We champion job placement programs, partnering with organizations such as @greencareersdal, to create a diverse workforce in the clean energy sector.
  • Promoting Energy Independence: Through education, outreach, and engagement, we lay the groundwork for a solar-powered Texas. Additionally, we engage in policy advocacy to educate legislators and combat anti-solar policies.

Meeting former TXSES Chairman Micah Jasuta and listening to his presentation was an absolute honor. Witnessing people’s enthusiasm for the possibilities offered by solar energy and their commitment to taking the first step toward cleaner energy was inspiring.

We enjoyed reconnecting with our existing business members and making new acquaintances, including potential members interested in joining our cause. We eagerly anticipate participating in this event again next year. Together, we can drive positive change and advance the adoption of distributed solar energy in Texas.

Interested in becoming our newest TXSES business member? Call 512.264.4372 or click sugalde@txses.org

Business Member Highlight: Freddy Gonzalez – CEO and Founder of Lonestar Solar Services 

By Steven Ùgalde
Membership and Marketing Coordinator

Our different levels of business memberships are an integral part of TXSES’ overall mission. They share their expertise in educating Texans about the benefits of solar energy, separating fact from fiction. They serve on committees, are a strong presence at fundraising events and understand the bigger, more complete picture of TXSES’ statewide impact. As a TXSES business member, you will have a voice in making sure Texas has favorable policies to build a strong, sustainable solar industry.

Support from our generous solar business community enables TXSES to continue to lead the transition to a solar energy reality, one Texas community at a time. informed and involved.

One of the benefits for our Platinum Business members is a featured interview on our website, newsletter and social platforms. I recently had the opportunity to visit with CEO and Founder Freddy Gonzalez about Lonestar Solar Services, a local solar energy engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) company specializing in the design, procurement and construction of solar power systems for residential and commercial clients. Here’s our conversation.

TXSES: How did Lonestar originate? 

FG: Both I and my brother were employed by the same solar company in early 2020, just prior to the onset of the Covid pandemic. We are originally from Corpus. The current company recognized our potential and promoted us to a managerial position, tasking me and my brother with the supervision of multiple projects statewide. In order to facilitate the oversight of projects across Texas, they requested that we both relocate to Houston. After being there for about a month, circumstances took an unexpected turn. Due to the impact of Covid-19, the company I was working for had to make workforce reductions, which led to my layoff. This came at a time when me and my partner were expecting a baby. I was faced with this challenging situation, so I decided to venture into contracting work. Over time, this endeavor evolved into a fully-fledged business, complete working with 12 installation crews and create my own business known as Lonestar Solar.

TXSES: How many employees and departments do you have?

FG: Our organization comprises over 150 employees, distributed across multiple distinct departments, and we operate from seven offices located throughout Texas.

TXSES: What is your primary focus for projects?

FG: Our primary project focus currently centers around residential projects. However, we have ambitious plans to expand our scope within the next year.

TXSES: What is your pitch to consumers?

FG: Our approach to consumers is characterized by a personalized and thorough assessment of their unique circumstances. We offer tailored financial incentives and empower individuals to achieve energy independence. Our team embodies a high-energy mindset, consistently taking the initiative to enhance the positive outcomes for our customers.

TXSES: What inspired you to go into the solar industry? 

What motivated me to pursue a career in this industry is the profound opportunity it offers to make a positive impact on people’s lives. I find immense fulfillment in the potential to transform and create change as well as empower individuals to enhance their quality of life. This industry allows me to connect with numerous residents, helping them secure their financial freedom and, at the same time, contribute to a more sustainable planet through the promotion of environmentally friendly solar policies. I firmly believe that through our work, we have the ability to effect meaningful change from the initial stages of engagement to the final outcome, ultimately leaving a lasting and positive imprint on the lives we touch.

TXSES: What has surprised you the most in the industry? 

FG: One aspect that has surprised me the most within the industry is the apparent stagnation in government policies and incentives related to renewable energy. However, what truly stands out and has been an inspiring revelation is the remarkable sense of community within this field. I’ve witnessed how our collective efforts have not only made a significant impact on our business but have also touched our personal life. I view my colleagues and peers as an extension of my family, knowing that there is unwavering support behind our team and our shared initiatives.

TXSES: Where do you see Lonestar in the future? 

FG: As for my future aspirations, I see myself focusing on community outreach and taking a more active role in projects aimed at benefiting low-income residents through solar installations. I am passionate about leveraging renewable energy to create positive change in underserved communities, making solar energy accessible and affordable for all. This aligns with my commitment to not only contribute to our company’s growth but also to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most.

TXSES: Thanks so much for telling us about Lonestar Solar Services,, Freddy and thanks for being a Platinum Business Member.

If you’re interested in becoming a Platinum Business member, contact Steven Ùgalde.

SolarAPP+: Advancing Efficiency in Solar Permitting in the City of Houston 

By Steven Ugalde – TXSES Marketing and Outreach Coordinator  

Houston is propelling itself towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future with a game-changing initiative – the new SolarAPP+. This trailblazing platform has been embraced by Houston to accelerate the adoption of solar energy and pave the way for a greener tomorrow. Intrigued by its visionary approach, TXSES Executive Director Patrice Parsons and I embarked on a visit to the Houston Permitting Center (HPC), keen to experience the transformative influence of SolarAPP+ on driving solar energy adoption throughout the city.  

SolarAPP+, the Solar Automated Permit Processing, is an innovative online web portal designed to revolutionize the plan review and permitting process for code-compliant residential photovoltaic (PV) systems. By leveraging model building, electrical, and fire codes, SolarAPP+ independently conducts a comprehensive compliance check using data inputs ensuring the safety and adherence to code requirements of proposed solar installations. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) verifies installation practices, workmanship, and compliance with the approved design during the meticulous inspection process. This innovative platform expedites permit issuance while upholding the highest safety and quality standards, furthering the integration of solar energy, and reinforcing sustainable practices.  

HPC representatives Jaime Cortes, Merle Nevill, Rick Nordquist, Ken Porter, Carlos Rubiano, Heath Wierck, along with Building Official Byron King and Program Director Steve Stelzer, shared valuable feedback regarding the notable reduction in the time required for solar companies to submit their permits for installation.

Their insights highlighted the positive impact of the streamlined process, contributing to increased efficiency and accelerated solar project approvals. “SolarAPP+ ensures consistency and reduces the time spent on repetitive tasks,” said Staff Analyst Wierck.

With online permit applications, electronic document management and automated notifications, approvals are accelerated, and paperwork is reduced. The platform is exceptionally user-friendly for installers, facilitating a seamless registration process and providing a streamlined approach to check the status of applications. This user-centric design ensures that installers quickly become familiar with the system, enabling them to navigate through the process efficiently and effectively.  

Analysts have begun utilizing data analytics to identify trends and patterns in the permitting and inspection process. This helps in making data-driven decisions for future process optimization, ensuring that both residents and installation professionals receive proper permit approvals while fostering collaboration between different departments involved in the process. This promotes a more integrated approach, reducing delays and improving coordination. Currently, HPC has confirmed a total of 12 solar companies approved for operation through SolarAPP+.

Thanks to SolarAPP+, installers can now embark on their projects with confidence, knowing that the platform will expedite their permit approvals and ensure compliance with all necessary codes and regulations.  

In just 18 months, SolarAPP+ has emerged as transformational for the solar permitting process at HPC making it efficient for both installers and homeowners. “TXSES is eager to help other communities adopt this innovative tool,” said Parsons.

To address and overcome challenges related to SolarAPP+, Parsons and HPC have announced plans to convene a comprehensive city-wide meeting for key stakeholders, including HPC and the 12 approved installers, to engage in an open and collaborative discussion. The primary focus of the meeting is to gain valuable insights from installers’ experiences with Solar APP+ and identify potential areas of improvement.

If you’re interested in learning more about SolarAPP+ and how it might work in your community, contact me, Steven Ùgalde, at sugalde@txses.org.