Check with Green Careers Texas for upcoming solar training and hiring events

Houston Location: HBI Houston Build Strong, 10631 Harwin, Suite 606, Houston, 77057

Dallas Location: Hatcher Station Training Farm, 4500 Todd St., Dallas 75210

Austin Location: American YouthWorks, 1901 E. Ben White Blvd., Austin 78741

Join Green Careers Texas for lunch time “Meet & Greets” during upcoming solar installation trainings. These events connect businesses with skilled individuals ready to make their mark in the solar industry.

The Texas Solar Energy Society approves and endorses this proven training model.

During the trainings, students receive:

  • Entry-level training
  • OSHA 10 safety certification
  • Apprentice electrician license

Why Attend? 

  • Access to Trained Installers: Meet candidates who have completed the training and are ready to work. Students are motivated, reliable, and have a passion for working outdoors. These individuals value teamwork, timely communication, and a keen interest in contributing to the sustainable energy landscape.
  • Invest in Talent: The solar industry is booming, offering living wage work starting from $18 to $20/hour, often with benefits like health insurance and retirement savings plans.
  • Support Green Careers: By participating, you’ll be supporting Green Careers Texas’ mission to empower individuals with innovative employment opportunities in the renewable energy sector. 

Questions? Please contact Tracy Wallace at
Green Careers Texas aims to empower individuals through innovative employment opportunities.